Key Sectors

Manufacturing is one of the largest economic sectors in Prince George and part of a fully developed supply chain for natural resource projects. The sector complements growing mining, energy, and bioenergy industries in Prince George and has resulted in demand for some of the following: 

Image of 2 white delivery trucks side by side with the back doors open. The truck in front has a large blue stripe and a red stripe on the side panel located near the back of the truck. Behind the trucks in the background of the picture is a white plane with a Canadian flag near the cockpit window.

Image of a sawmill with white buildings that have a red stripe along the top. In the right side of the picture there is some metal scaffolding with a man standing on top hooked to the scaffolding with a safety harness wearing a hardhat and high vis vest

Image of a wood building. The top half of the building is black, and the bottom half of the building is brown (wood coloured) with a large red door on the corner of the building.

Image of a wood building with glass windows along the front. There is a green sign in front of the building. The building is surrounded by grass and green trees.

Image of a side profile of a man sitting at a desk typing on a laptop with a notebook beside him on the desk and a green plant.

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